Customer profile - Companies, associations and foundations

  • 1 General information about the entity
  • 2 Roles in the entity
  • 3 Description of business
  • 4 Application initiator
  • 5 Send inn
  • 6 Ferdig

General information about the entity

Please fill in the information below and we will contact you within 2 bank days.

The new Financial Contracts Act applies from 1 January 2023. As the regulations were finalised close to 1 January 2023, some agreements/templates are unfortunately not ready. In such cases, earlier versions of agreements / templates are used until the new ones are in place. Please read more hereÅpnes i nytt vindu

Name, address etc

A limited company in the process of being established must forward its memorandum of association and articles of association to continue the process. When an application has been submitted, we will contact you by e-mail for additional information. NB! If the foundation of the company is not completed within 3 months, the account will be closed and the share capital will be credited back to the account number where the deposit came from.

Enter the organization number from the company certificate. This can also be found in the Norwegian corporate registry, BrønnøysundregistreneÅpnes i nytt vindu. If you have not, please enter the valid number from where the company is listed.
Enter the industry code (Næringskode) from the company certificate. If you do not have a NACE yet, the field may be left open.
Please enter any company web address
The customer consents to Nordea Bank Abp using information about me/the company to contact the company with relevant offers for other products and services. The company can receive information about its agreement with Nordea and its consent and may withdraw this by calling us on 232 06002.
List all countries which the company is registered in. Use a comma in between each country.
Enter whether the entity operates in other countries than Norway
Select “No” if the company is not tax resident outside Norway. Select “Yes” if the company has tax liabilities outside Norway.
Enter the country where the company is tax resident.
The TIN is the tax identification number which identifies the taxpayer.
Enter country where tax resident
Indicate whether the company has other trade names or brand names than the entity’s name. For example, the Norwegian public broadcaster operates under the name “NRK”.
Chose whether the entity is involved in fundraising

Roles in the entity

Beneficial owner: are natural persons who alone or together with close family members own or control more than 25% of the shares or votes in the unit, have the right to appoint or dispose of more than half of the board members or otherwise exercise control over the unit, for example through agreement with owners, members, the legal entity, articles of association or equivalent.

Board member: is a person who sits on the board in accordance with the company certificate or the founding documents for AS under foundation.

CEO: is a person who has been appointed as general manager in accordance with the company certificate or the foundation documents for AS under foundation.

Persons acting on behalf of the entity: is the person / persons who is the contact person or otherwise represents the unit to the bank.

Write the name of beneficial owner number 1
Enter address, postal address, postal code and city.
Enter country of birth for beneficial owner 1
Enter Citizenship for beneficial owner 1
Describe the role of controlling influence in the event of less than 25% ownership, ownership with family members, of share classes if the unit is divided into several share classes, of control in the form of an agreement with owners, members or the unit, of control in accordance with articles of association or equivalent, and on the right to appoint or remove more than half of the unit's board members or equivalent.
Politically exposed person: person who serves or has served in the position or function of:
1. head of State, head of government, minister and assistant minister;
2. member of national assembly;
3. member of a governing body of a political party;
4. member of a high-level judicial body, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances;
5. member of the board of an auditor general’s office, a court of auditors or a central bank;
6. ambassador, chargé d'affaires or high-ranking officer of the armed forces;
7. member of an administrative, management or supervisory body of a State-owned enterprise;
8. director, member of the board or other person in the senior management of an international organisation.
Specify the position, country, employer and time period you are (were) employed in the position
Enter address, postal address, postal code and city.
Enter country of birth for person 2
Enter Citizenship for person 2
Specify the position, country, employer and time period you are (were) employed in the position
Enter country of birth for beneficial owner 3
Enter Citizenship for beneficial owner 3
Specify the position, country, employer and time period you are (were) employed in the position
Enter Citizenship for beneficial owner 4
Specify the position, country, employer and time period you are (were) employed in the position

Description of business

Describe the nature of the company’s activities. For example, the object of a company making sausages could be “Production and sale of sausages”.
Select the most relevant option for the number of employees.
If the company is a payment service provider, the company will make payments on behalf of other parties. For example, Nordea Bank Norge Abp is a payment service provider as our customers use the bank’s solutions to execute payments.
List the company’s countries of operations. Do not include countries where the company only has partners/suppliers.
Cryptocurrencies or virtual currencies are not regulated by or quoted by an official central bank as opposed to the NOK, SEK, USD or EUR. Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple are examples of cryptocurrencies.
Enter the expected type of cryptocurrency, the monthly volume related to purchases/sales of cryptocurrencies and the purpose of the transactions.
Check the boxes for products that the company expects to use in the customer relationship
Tick the products that the company expects to use as part of its customer relationship
Give a brief description of other
All legal entities (companies) trading in derivatives, foreign currencies, equities, bonds or other financial instruments traded on an exchange or another organised trading venue must have a LEI code to be able to trade. If you do not have a LEI code yet, you can register it later.
Enter the estimated annual profit expressed in NOK
Regular incoming payments are e.g. rental income, commissions etc. Regular payments are e.g. salary, electricity rent etc.)
Indicate whether the company expects to deposit cash into its corporate account.
Indicate whether the company expects to withdraw cash from its corporate account.
Here you check the box for expected future payments on the account(s). Check the option (s) that best fit and use the free text box for further description.
Tick the expected future deposits to the account. Select the most relevant option(s) and use the free text field to provide more details.
Give a brief description of payments
Check the option (s) that best fit and use the text box for further description.
Select the most relevant option(s) and use the free text field to provide more details.
Give a brief description of source of wealth

Application initiator

Enter the name of any contact person in Nordea Norway

Information about the processing of personal data

As a data controller Nordea processes personal data to deliver the products and services that are agreed between the parties and for other purposes such as to comply with laws and other regulations.  For detailed information on processing of personal data, please 

read Nordea's privacy policy

 or contact Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge. The privacy policy contains information about the rights in connection with the processing of personal data such as the access to information, rectification, data portability, etc. 


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